Monday, May 29, 2006

The Tourist Are Coming!!!

I live in a unique town. One one hand it is a typical working class neighborhood , a boy his dog and his truck. The majority of the High School students who graduate this year won't go to college, they will be going into trade or the military (three brancehes of the military have recruiting offices here). This is pick-up truck territory, you won't see a BMW in these parts...that is until Memorial Day.

You see I live 15 minutes for the Atlantic Ocean, and if you want to get from the New Jersey Parkway to the barrier Island where all the beach rentals and manisons are you have to drive thu my town. Come Memorial Day the population of the island increases 10 fold. The traffic lights go from blinking lights to normal green, yellow, red. Once the unoffical summer starts the traffic around here gets really bad, the tourist seem to spend as much time on the main land shopping as they do on the beach. Don't get me wrong the money that they bring in keeps the place going, we need the tourist for our ecconomical existence.

So, I have to learn to be more patient for the next few months everytime I leave my house.
Hey, the sun is shinning-see you at the beach.


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