Saturday, June 10, 2006

I Love a Parade?

I just came back from watching my little town's Founder's Day parade, which is a big event in these part. It was lots of fun. I went there to see my high school daughter who is in the school's marching band, and I stayed to watch the whole parade because it was so interesting. In the parade there was the local fire and police department, the ROTC, various amateur bands and even some Mummers. I think that every small business with-in 20 miles around was represented. We had a queen and her court, even a Little Miss. I was surprized to see a local military school represented, I didn't even know that there was a military school in the area. What I loved about the parade was that it was so local, no cameras, no celebraties.

I remember growing up as a kid that I could't wait for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, watching it on TV with my family was more important to me that the big meal. Once I went to New York the night before the parade to watch the balloons being blown-up, I thought that it would be lots of fun, in reality it was very cold and very borning. That night was the begining of the end of my love affair with big profesional parades. The Macy's Parade has changed over the years, nowaday the camera focus mainly on the celerbarties and Broadway Shows and not on the High School Bands and the balloons. I don't watch big professional parades anymore, but give me a small town parade- and I will be there.


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