Friday, November 10, 2006

Something is still Wrong

Meanwhile my sister Sheryl and I called each other constantly and talked about my tumors and my search for a surgeon, and she told me that she and my siblings thought that I was taking too long to get the biopsy. She also wanted to calm me down by reminding me that she had found a lump on her breast when she was just eighteen, and the lump had turned out to be a cyst. She told me about the lump that she had found last year.
“What are you talking about?” I asked her, very surprised by her statement.
“There I was, right in the middle of my divorce, when I discovered a lump.” I couldn’t believe it. I knew that Sheryl was mad at me last year, she felt that I wasn’t sympathetic about her failing marriage (hey, it was her third marriage). Instead of calling me so we could talk, she wrote me a curt letter detailing her separation (she is known for her letters). Then ending the letter by stating that she was sorry that our relationship was such that she could not confide in me. Unlike her and her ex-husband, she and I were able to patch things up.
"…I stopped the divorce proceedings until the results of the biopsy were in." she continued.
“Its not that I wanted him around if it turned out that I had cancer the marriage was over, but I needed his health insurance.” I have to give him credit; he stayed until the results were in. I felt bad that she couldn’t tell me these things before.
The point to her story was not to make me feel bad, well… not much. The point was that twice she had lumps in her breast and both times they had been benign. My research had taught me that for every malignant lump there would be twelve benign ones. Funny thing was I didn’t have a lump. I felt nothing to indicate that there was anything wrong, it was only the mammogram that showed the doctors that there was something in my breast that was not suppose to be there. According to Dr. Susan Love’s Breast Book:
“What we see on a mammogram or feel on physical exam isn’t the cancer cells themselves, but the reaction the body forms to the cancer cells.” So I guess depending on how your body reacts to the cancer cells is important to early diagnoses.


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