Happy Father's Day
To day is father’s day and according to my favorite TV show “Sunday Morning” there are 66 million fathers in America, but only 26 million are married. 39% read or look at books with their children at least once a week and 68% play sports with their kids once a week. There are 2 million single fathers and 143,000 stay at home dad’s compared to the 5 million stay-at-home mom’s. And the number one gift for a father is still a tie.
Today is Father’s Day and we will celebrate the old fashion way with homemade and silly #1 DAD gifts. My 12-year-old spent all day yesterday making and wrapping his presents. We went out shopping and bought him some chocolate (his favorite) and a video he had express an interest in owing lately.
I think that homemade and silly gifts are the best gifts for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. I remember an ad that came out last June for a camera cell phone (I think). In the ad the guy who got the cell phone for Father’s Day took pictures of all of the silly gifts that other men in his office received, he sent the photos to wife and they laughed at his co-workers. I think the ad was trying to say ‘this expensive gift is sooooo much better than homemade of silly #1 DAD stuff.’ All that ad did for me was put off my purchase of a cell phone for a year.
When did we get so consumer driven? When did a #1 DAD cup or tie become a joke? Today my husband got a #1 DAD certificate that my 12-year-old lovingly made for her father, along with other homemade items. And he will eat some chocolate and we will all watch Hook Winked (for the 4th time) together, and have a family celebration of Father’s Day. We don’t need to spend a lot of money to say that we love him; a little imagination, scissors, paper, glue and chocolate are all that we need in this house to say I LOVE YOU DAD!!!